November Novelist

November Novelist

Monday, December 31, 2012

Lotus Flow Hour (Coffee Session With A Plushie)

The human thought process can become stagnate but during that temporary phase imagination can take anyone light years to alternate universe soul content.Imagination and the dream process are one and the same.Who says that reality is the reflection of what what those around us deem to be real such as reality television and or what the media portrays in viral format.So I drift to somewhat of an island that is named after your birth name.Many theories of why the mind of November proceeds to work in the way of  an antique clock but January is approaching with a smile and single white rose.*drifts into a world of manga and comic books* "God bless that smile on your face..."Another set journey with multiple terms of Haiku in a literary form, emotionally and physically whilst escaping into a Pit of Passion.She laughs and smiles from a far but the nearest to el' corazon .Vibrant course sets via a turquoise corset.Does this professor verbalize in the fashion of The Riddler or in the shade of normalcy?Deep in an episode of organized sounds designed for all that choose to lean an ear or maybe two to craft surround sound.A journalist must be capable of thinking critically despite how those view his or her literature there is one version of truth to those born with wide anime eyes. *laughs* "I can't live on a rocket I'm way to grounded."Deceasing your speed once in a while does not equal either lack of motivation or the equation of a nobody.Even terms in Webster's dictionary have different translation across the world in terms of language and definitions.In which every single version could be classified as correct.Maybe the "pace" acquires no definite definition.In terms of November literature or live journalism concerts have slowed up quite a bit yet the mission of effecting Mother Natures world are still in play.*cleans glasses* Acquiring various visions and versions of knowledge can become difficult to place firmly with The Archive filing cabinets so consistent organization are a must.So thankful for the assistant manager and our coffee sessions that can be defined as multiple things.The best New Years Resolutions are love endorsed when it comes to inner peace and or peace of mind...In all honesty the stars do grant wishes because they are the former beings that you once were.The journey of reaching a higher plateau involves his or her higher self.Poetic thoughts enter the airwaves of someone that dreams productively or in a state of being wide awake.While my dearest Plushie sleeps ever so soundly in a dimension of sweet thoughts.A semi short post as November awaits a newly January's midnight kiss via comforting endorsed love.More editions of November Novelist and Yoshimi Haiku Osaka are on the way as Mother Nature smiles upon us with something new and never before seen signed Doctor Merlin Osaka

Minor thoughts of cotton filled Japanese love <3

Monday, December 17, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Vortex Of Mental Stimulation (Walking Upon A Grid)

As of late The Archives have adapted in the format of rapid sense of literary stimulation. How often does one  remain still enough to hear his or her own mind as it creates mental dialogue?The human mind is fascinatingly unique when an individual meditates and or marinates in a process of thought. Literary discussions typed in black font so to speak.Art and culture speak a language of curiosity which leads to many new ideas, despite the saying "That there is nothing new under the Sun."The act of purchasing incense,a record player and a kawaii coffee mug enter the atmosphere.In all honesty there are multiple distraction among the human race to the point of wishing for a place to escape from it all but the mind can be used as a safe haven.But one must acquire imagination to mold concepts out of dirt that evolves into clay.The graph in the form of a grid strikes my fancy due to the points regulating in various paces and heights similar to emotions as well as the beat of a heart.Not being quite is common in the life we live but analyzing makes it very much simpler.It seems as if November N. is evolving yet again.The mind of an artist alternates rapidly on a course of time.Transitioning is fairly difficult at times which leads to hiatus of keyboard sounds and minor clicks sometimes for weeks even months."Acknowledge the Knowledge", right? Presentations of optional success peeks her head into a door or window every now and again yet sometimes there is another train to catch.So I encourage thee to take a leap of faith whenever you see an opening for positive change and take care of your mind because you only get one.Simple yet not so simple...<-- first ellipsis of this particular entry *laughs*It's fairly difficult to decide on a specific profession when diversity in the primary center of these pupils that cast slight glances into the starry sky.In conclusion the search for more of what destiny has to offer.Destiny gave me Yoshimi and passion for the arts.As she lays perfectly asleep dreams of discussing thoughts while music plays in the air ...*looks at her and smiles* Don't be afraid of what tomorrow may present just remember to keep your head held high and move forward signed November N./Kyoto Osaka

"dream aloud as if you are presenting a presentation..."

See ya later

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Japan Ease Or Japanese Easel...

..... meaning a silent ellipsis

Jazzy Cosmonaut, Space Cadet, or Cloud Dweller?

Visual Virtue And Reminiscent Remnants (Colours of Modern Art)

Steadily heading forward on the road that many others walk on and those others are deemed teachers of modern art.It's alright to live in the formation of vibrant colours and artistic dream sequences.Beyond the structure of what is expected lies more of a universal approach.Just as universal as the piano or the love that millions of Earths inhabitants strives for but it begin within the very heart that beats within us all.A life can be linked to another through the spirit of Mother Nature's appeal to discovered that us all.In recent November N. has realized that while being on hiatus much growth has occurred, maybe life's lectures have the tendency to be on somewhat of a low frequency...In various aspects its much more effective to learn from personal experience.The dream of an English teachers currently floats amongst multiple yet in an alternate universe this is what November just so happens to be.Previous sentence meaning that sometimes after the day fades to begin anew the process of reflection occurs in the form of a drifter or rolling stone.The human mind though being a replica of a temple can become either full or heavy with the weight of activist like ambitions in the formation of Joan Baez.Changing the world is the life mission of November Novelist but sometimes the self invented pressure of desiring to be there for everyone becomes a blockade presented before budding artwork within file cabinets.*dreams of life among fellow Neo Arcadians*The literary passion residing in each keystroke hopes to develop what should be defined as a literature partnership with someone that shares similar visionary concepts.A tree being a sibling of human beings alike acquires the ability yo branch out." Profesor Layton's Seventh Heaven (Groovin' In Heaven) reflects upon the universe soul of music, nature and peace.In recent discovery surrounding yourself with all things natural stimulates the creative process.So tomorrow the process of meditation and peace seeking shows her face globally from behind life's curtain.A note to fellow artists keep your dreams alive because only you have the ability to do so...signed November Novelist/Kyoto Osaka

P.S. Poetry is within the airwave space *smiles*

Encourage freedom and free love...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Morning Relaxation Session (A Relevant Memory)

Somewhere in the halls of my mind rests a vast blog post that desires a place in the hearts of you.Several new memories stored in a memory bank, the term "bank" meaning absolutely nothing due to the free love of a lotus flower.As of now preparations are being crafted in The Archives by myself and faculty members.An overdue explanation of staff being various elements of the brain driving steadily but randomly in a sense of being verified only through pupils,black font and text boxes...The mind is an outstanding replica of a bell atop of a clock tower.Dream chasers and artistic often forget what its like enjoying the nature and love that is a sweet blessing to us all.Whereas they say "Love cannot anything" that quote to a November mind is defined as a statement of electronic consumption.Which is somehow the primary focus of today's generation.Did you know that each upgrade would've happened if the companies acquired the desires.Point being its quite easy to caught in the vortex of gadgets and gossip media coverage.Use them don't let the use you.So take the day off and enjoy yourself because you are meant to every now and again...signed Nov Nov/Kyoto Osaka


I Love You Guys...Don't forget it :)

*sails away*