November Novelist

Saturday, December 21, 2013
Fast Forwarding Tranquility (Mother Nature's Timeless Understanding)
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Figuratively Inspirational Figurine (How Stellar Got His Groove Back Pt. 2)
Envision the gift of the artistic mentality as that of an untouched canvas specifically hiding in plain sight. The desire to be equivalent to the personification of warm color brush strokes. The most inspirational activist may occasionally tumble into a negative space followed by the human mind proclaiming possession of the acquired steering wheeling. The everyday pressure that each individual places upon themselves outweighs the mass of environmental standards. Inspiration often peeks her radiant face through the designated window built with the remedy of spoken word recitals. The concept of consistent composure ignites the bells and whistles of robotic proportions. Resemble the stable course of an Autumn breeze capable of every instilled behavior of Mother Nature. The term "freedom" lays connected to several shades of typography meaning that each individual holds dearly the self portrait of interpretation. Fill the shoes of an old soul with the newfound ideas of an inspirational activist or the motives of a motivational speaker. This side of paradise symbolizes equality amongst the leader within every living soul.A singular message has the ability of laying heavily but peacefully upon your mind...signed November Novelist/Mister Good Soul
See ya later <3
"The artistic mind remains proudly naked but humble enough to shy away every so often..."
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
"Black Medallions, No Gold..."(How Stellar Got His Groove Back Pt.1)
(Elaboration on the concept of Mister Good Soul is designated for Tommorow's sequel)
See ya later <3
Connected similarly the love Kyoto and Yoshimi Osaka <3
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Typography & Abstract Aesthetics Pt.2 (All Representation Of A Thing Are Inherently Abstract)
"Typography is the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual form."
From the perspective of a being whom collectively believes that the purest of art forms actually hasn't a single price tag attached but visions of past inspiration."I don't feel like I need to preach to the world or nothing like that. I just feel like I share what I say, and if listeners get it, they get it. And I never underestimate the audience's ability to feel me."Momentarily filling in the blanks with Aero Pastels whilst heading foward upon Life's voyage.Though life as a motivational speaker is deemed both delicate and beautiful regardless of minor episode of daily stress.When designated within hiatus various dream sequences sparked the begginning of Light's quest of Healing.Descriptive instead of vague cryptic vocalizing.Drifts into a stage of ownership connected to surburban living.Praying toward comprehension which states "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life."Oscar Wilde.Poetic ideal ideas composed of Nature's surrounding elements.Health is a matter of mind meaning pursuing life's next chapter whether simplistic or difficult."Sometimes later becomes later" words of a procrastinator yet equipped with the willing spirit of Tommorrow's children.*sketches the Mother of all instruments.The cure for anything drifts gently across the field due to Mother Nature's fresh breath.Once our hearts awaken both dreams and ambitions
Abstract Sketches & Typography Pt. 1 (Script With Impact)
"I hope to refine music, study it, try to find some area that I can unlock. I don't quite know how to explain it but it's there. These can't be the only notes in the world, there's got to be other notes some place, in some dimension, between the cracks on the piano keys."Marvin Gaye
A Local Hippie Blogger Befriends Doctor Merlin & Jazzy McCoy (A Peaceful Plateau)
"There’s a story that you’re trying to tell. and what I like to do in my band is challenge myself to improvise both. So sometimes I start a song with a concept like a verse. I like to remind myself it’s an essay and in the first part you tell em’ the essence of what you’re gonna tell em’. I like to make up poetry on the spot and really get into the poetry of the song. Like, how can I set up what’s at stake in this story? I try to blend the story with the harmonic lines that I’m setting up on the bass. I get into the zone of what’s coming up in the song. I think, how can I prep it and set it up before I go into the whole story? That’s fun and challenging; super stimulating, stimulating all the parts of the brain. What you’re saying is stay in the moment, don’t tell everything, but prep what’s coming.” Esperanza Spalding
See ya later <3
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Friday, June 7, 2013
The Portrayal Of Self Portraits Via USB Port (Newfound Expressions)
"Grasping the soft hands of mental stimulation.Drifting upon a raft toward moonlit conversations..."
In deep thought referencing the literature that is quite similar to graffiti upon multiple multiple computer screens.Whilst November ponders about the procedure of publishing approximately ten blog entries in the course of a moonlit afternoon.Whilst on hiatus growth and inspiration were both primary and consistent within The Archives.An outspoken dwelling in silence to craft something beautiful yet covered with the essence of flaws.The category of an alderman seems accurate but this tree of knowledge leans toward activism.An activist remain active amongst friends who breathe for what Mother Nature presents daily.Dreams sequence tied to artistic value and the love that caresses an Autumn based thought process.And or "The Genetic Code of Expressionism"(An elaboration will be posted soon.)With hope comes responsibility bundle in secret or public desires.The desire to creatw art over the course of hiatus felt quite like a caged bird but craving an element of life give each individual the ability to strive.Words from an abundant character whom carries around attributes in a vintage fashion.In the form of Esperanza common speech flow eloquently as the soundtracks that Yoshimi located whilst crate digging.*thinks about what exactly defines "Black Medallions, No Gold" as the offspring of a natural aura.The artistic mind craves more than anything the smooth process of singular breathes."Light conveys Joy & Joy conveys Light.Continue dreaming.Continue drifting off in the depths of space.Continue designing life accompanied by unique fabric signed Kyoto Osaka/November Novelist
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Archie's Opening Proposal (Responsive Literature Accompanied By Red Wine)
Mental capacity displaying the mentality of an old soul.
Written via modern fonts categorized as bold.
Whilst fastening biographical fashion
Swaying amongst the dialogue of passion
Two motivational speakers equipped with surround sound
Standing upon a spiritual mound
Yet stumbling upon commonly unseen particles of inspiration
Without waiting for full materialization
Identity being connected to mentality
As personification becomes its own entity
Breathing through the mouths of headphones
Each vocalizing unity in professional tones
Equivalent to that of freelance dancing
Via moonlight glancing
Artistic visions of journalistic concert footage
Playing a song titled "Homage"
Minor new vintage concepts
Sampling as a display methods of respect
Emulation of sound but envisioning Mother's new found success
A Goddess being a natural born hostess
Perfect shading and character design
Just something for the memory card commonly known as the "Mind"
Reminiscing of artistic brethren
Within unification their is lack of term "Better than..."
Organically nurturing seedlings praying for inspirational growth
Ending this opening proposal as a toast....
See ya later <3
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Poetic Literature Amongst Us (Zero Copula Personifies Undiscovered Excellence)
Zero Copula; A widely known feature of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and some varieties of Southern American English spoken by working-class white people is the absence of a form of be in situations where Standard English would normally require one. In these varieties of English, one can say He working, where Standard English has He is working, meaning "He is working right now." Linguists frequently describe this zero usage as zero copula, although strictly speaking the term zero copula should be used for missing inflected forms of be before nouns, adjectives, and constructions indicating place or time....
Truth be told inspiration surrounds us in form of unseen particles but does one forcefully seek inspiration or stumble upon after reaching a certain stage in life?A journey isn't absolutely necessary to locate yourself or the path you choose.The human body can be deemed a vast canvas or body of water.Such an ocean that carry the characteristics depth and welcoming wave.A rivers speed walking down your instilled path to find who is ahead with the mentality of a curvy yet straight line.Lastly a pond in the beginning stages of an identity but welcoming to those who began in the same fashion.Personification in The Archives can share the meaning of Mother Nature speaking with a singular breath commonly know as the wind.*thinks about free lance essays written in fresh blue ink*Artistic visions of various journalistic concerts and the publisher will nervously smile with a sunflower perfectly in hand via ye old flower bed.Literature and poetry aren't just equivalent to creativity but to love that still is or once was.Treasure memories both new and old.Thoughts of the life of a "Flower Child" enter the airwaves beyond a layer of harmonizing sounds.An old soul in a modern world with thought process of a space cadet.Share your new vintage ideas despite how technologically advanced the world has become.Emulate the voice of reasoning that gently lays vocals upon the instrumental.Perfect shading and character design from the souls of your feet toward free minded cloud brethren.Reminisce of the inspirational growth within while nurturing the seedlings new life.Being young pupils with instilled abilities to portray the action of not taking action by just temporarily standing still signed November Novelist... (Enjoy the simplicity that life bestows upon new found art which will someday define the becoming of you)
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Perks Of Being A Wallflower Pt.1 (Instrumentals And Sunflower Smiles)
The mind of an artist continues evolving in the a similar process equivalent to transforming from a newborn seedling into a tree symbolizing strength.But does growth stop just because you entered a stage of adulthood or is change of mentality infinite?When November is on hiatus in actuality it is somewhat of a transition of literary functions.*looks at the computer screen with the face of a sunflower*Each and every one of us is born the way we are meant to be so let the process occur when the time has come.Sometimes bury myself in thoughts of nature and love for a course of time brings about realization of why writing has become the spinal cord of my anatomy.The art of surrounding oneself with influential forces can change into a force with the ability to push you toward searching for yourself.The reference to psychology stating that the human personality forms at the age of five years old can be proven false in various cases.*sips coffee in the fashion of a college student*Think critically and form opinions of what the world around you truly means.Present your dream out loud or in the formation of sing song."The mind is everything. What we think we become. - Buddha."The thought of sweet music and sunflowers enter that airwaves.Instrumentals have become the frequent melody of creations and speech."Music is a moral law,it gives soul to the universe,wings to the mind,flight to the imagination,charm and gaiety to life."Despite how many people make us feel as if we have to fit in a category remember that only you can give yourself a name with the exception of a birth name yet you can even alter that *being Professor Literal, cracks a smile*Explore the vast land that is yourself for your own enjoyment.In recent news the thought of sketching images of Nature consistently appear in The Archives.*thinks of Haiku*She is the force that keeps November N. moving forward even when doubts appear during the process of transitioning. (Lost In Transition)An ally in making the world a better place step by step or in the form of a grid.*considers watching The Perks Of Being A Wallflower again*"Umi says shine your light on world."The strongest people in life are the ones that make a statement of individuality with and without speaking....signed November Novelist
See ya later <3
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Mental Airport Lounge Featuring Food For Thought (The Traveler's Guide)
Travel; to proceed or advance in any way whether mentally,emotionally or spiritually...
Somewhere in the Archives of the human mind lies an adventurer either in the essence of a child or the remembrance of that essence belonging to each and every one of us.A doorway to the mind or the physical aspect of Nature enters at the speed of a pianist or writer.Meditation seems to be the replica of a key representing peace yet how does one with an abundant character and thought process organize file cabinets? *thinks of Strawberry incense*
"The media's the most powerful entity on earth.They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." by Malcolm X.Meaning that various aspects of life molds minds which was crafted to crave more and more information.Knowledge and information being placed in the container of a Venn Diagram.Information is a source of a verbalized reflection.Whereas knowledge is the result of life experience through global confrontation.The mystery behind the moments that build a solid foundation should be cherished by the next generation of travelers birth something both old and new.Display a dream sequence whether categorized as minor or major, success or failure...Every dream comes with a cost but the possession of its reward are equivalent to meeting destiny's warm embrace."The future depends on what we do in the present" Mahatma Ghandi.The power of free speak and art in all her forms has the ability to carry legacies.Explore your gifts both discovered and undiscovered by planting seeds of truth.November Novelist wrote "Anticipated Intervention" as an opening to assist many hoping to find who they are within.A note to those that hope to shed tears of paint across the globe "share your story to open ears being that inspiration is the oxygen of speech."Food for thought..."*fantasizes about strumming a guitar in your view* with "Media files enclosing multiple styles of rhyme."The mind is a gateway to other worlds outside of momentary tribulation.The course of life regulates in the form of Spring breezes.Grasp your sense of wonder and carry it on pass this generation...*reflects upon poetry and music that's still unseen to the publish eye*Space Cadet or Neo Arcadian literature? signed Kyoto Osaka/November Novelist & Yoshimi
^ Yoshimi nights...
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Visual Plateau Via Abandoned Sketchbook (Mobile Jazz Sensation...)
A world only consisting only of music may be classified as ideal -- but then again; whose idea was that?
*bounces in his seat*