"Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates an impression by remaining silent."
There is a sense of nervousness that appears when this author before you cannot publish anything until a sense of clarity ever so slightly paints with the embodiment of something as simple as water colors broadly personified as impressionism.The question that most often ricochets within the halls of the Archives is "if the requirement of a positive state of mind is what hinders the consistency of what is published for the public eye?"Negativity and positivism are the essence of what may potentially create the balance the Mother Earth.The desire emulate Zen clouds the modern visionaries of human attributes when attempting to perfect the art of tranquility without absorbing the negative as well Though with combine talents of Mother Nature's children the ability to cure the world of all that ails HER.These many things instills trauma within the hearts and minds of each and every one whether racism or abuse,ghetto or suburban life,etc but the divine question remains...Why does this form of truth bring us together as people when share the color blood regardless of whom or where we may be?In college my Cornerstone teacher verbalized the we have developed somewhat of can be called "survivalist tactics" when it comes to assisting one another out of fear or just plain caring what happenings to your fellow man or woman.Which is both eye opening and unsettling as any mind no matter the capacity can handle.Assuming that all of you acquire this knowledge how did you feel when suddenly finding this out for yourself?As time go even further on,as new generations are born,as old mentalities fade out the more divided we become as people.All the silence truly is multitudes worse than the all the violence that we have become more immune to the sight of it.Inserting that generic response "Damn that's fucked up" whilst watching CNN upon your sofa or beds.In which they are a part of the problem as well anyone can sit on television and recite the problems but how about doing some heavy lifting that would do wonders for the people a.k.a. your fateful viewers?(A topic to be saved for a later day *mentally sips coffee*)Though we all need to tap into our inner vigilante mind states the need for a leader is what holds us back along with the concept of a small flame in a world that needs more than the Sun.With all the social media platforms in front of us their is absolutely no reason to remain silent anymore...Is their???signed November Novelist/Zen Mode Nova
It definitely is....
R.I.P. Michael Brown
We grew up in the same town and somehow I knew you spiritually...
And a particular burst of colour appears
See ya later....