The true definition of home is where your heart resides the semi secret heart lies perfectly in her hands.So alive with the new found ability to thrive.Though I rarely speak on my views of religion, God (Buddha) sometimes places the right people in your path to help you move to where you calling is.Karma really does exist,what you put in you get out.This year has brought so many brand new emotions to my attention such as happiness and trust.The childhood dream of attending art school is in reach.Various people accused me of not wanting to further my education but in reality the dream is to be a well rounded artist not a working stiff.This personality shines to bright to be tamed or dull.My fiancee has opened my eyes so much, things that were categorized as invisible due to problematic distractions...Stress can make you blind to what really matters such as health,sleep patterns and friends but stress is as natural as the partly cloudy sky. Letting go off the past and breaking the habit of hiding is due to the presence of California and myself *waits for the month of May* Meet true optimism not a facade.I'm free from it all and passionately in love what more is there to ask for? "We are all meant to shine as children do." Shine bright children....
See ya soon signed Nov Nov/ Kyoto