November Novelist

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Post Cards From Strawberry Fields
Chasing dreams and taking giant leaps of faith isn't as easy as celebrities make it to be but with difficulty makes you appreciate what you have even more as time passes.As we speak, Yoshimi and I battle for the love we have been deserving of our entire lives.Some people are firmly placed on your path to guide you forward, and those that are left over are that of a meteor meant to play the role of a blockade.If you acquire the ability to guide then guide.If you have the ability to assist then assist.On the streets of California we have encountered many lost souls that needed the things that we don't even think twice about.Like how we would give the things we just bought to brighten there day.But now we both stand in a similar position because no one in our own atmosphere can comprehend the love we share.Like the gentle kisses in the morning or the passion at night.Letting each other go isn't even an option so we aggressively fight without violence.If you ever find love that makes life the best gift given everyday hold on to it as hard as you can and stand tall in the face of anyone that gets in your way.These two pure hearts do not deserve to be homeless or pushed to not be what they were born to be.The following statement brings a pain to my chest but "Discrimination still exists after all that those before us have done."But I refuse to let there hard work be taken apart by those that carve stagnation and violence.If you are against those things stand up and make our world what it has potential to be.There is enough corruption and bullshit on planet Earth but the problem is there is isn't enough people standing for something positive or peaceful...Yoshimi and I may not have a home soon but yet we whisper in each others ear that "We are going to be okay." This blog entry is just as tough as the last and tears fall onto the keyboard as I type.Kyoto and Yoshimi Osaka stand for truth and peace but so many stand against what we are trying to build together.A foundation for those that struggle like we did.Kyoto; mental abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, loneliness, oppression and neglect.Yoshimi; loneliness, abuse, and unwelcoming home life.Neither of us deserved that or this right now.We have been fighting our whole lives and now that we found each other many want to tear us apart but our bond is unbreakable.I love her and she loves me thats all to it.If you have any encouraging words or advice don't be shy just reach out the best way you can.We would more than appreciate it and keep on fighting for the love we believe everyone should have signed Kyoto Osaka/November Novelist/Branden *peep peep*
^ I Love You Guys....