November Novelist

November Novelist

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Casper; Not Such a Friendly "GHOST"

Firstly, I must identify myself.  This is not my/our beloved "November Novelist".  Rather, this is "Yoshimi Haiku" (aka: Caren).

I feel compelled to attempt here to reach out to NovNov (aka: "B"), because he is "missing".  Well, tbh, not 'missing'-- but 'out of reach.'....

(Short back story): 
He and I met 9 years ago, in a very random way (at least at the time), on FB.  Fell in love, and he moved from St. Louis, to Utah, then here to Sonoma County (in California) to be with me.
Blah, blah, blah, we were incredibly happy and content until approximately 2 years ago.  I'm not comfortable divulging the details as to what changed; let's just say, "medical" reasons, and leave it at that---for now.

Well, he up and left me-- and beautiful California --this past (mid) December.
I've spoken to him ONCE since the day he left.  We have cats, kids, details, possessions, in common.. You know how 'entwined' two lives can get after 9 years?? 
FF to today.  He won't talk to me.  At all....
Ya'll must know how bad that feels; to be IGNORED, (especially for a GEMINI gal!)
My hope is that he'll check out his BLOGGER account someday soon, and see this.

BB, I miss you more than words can say.
I fucked up.
I'm falling on my sword.
I think "we" are worth fighting for...


thanks for listening....✌🏼♥️💜💛💚💙