November Novelist

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Blogger Dashboard Confessional Pt. 2 (Everything's Not Lost)
Lets go down
You can say that part one was a simple set up for this entry, but it is very rare of me to post a sequel entry right after the first.Is it an obligation of a writer to tell the one hundred percent truth or is it just the accurate thing to do for the readers?The past few entries have been posted via shelter which has been so tough on me as an individual but also as a member of my family.I felt so many emotions in this place such as happiness,anger,sadness and even suicidal but I have so much work to do on this planet that deserves a better name than "Earth.""Everything's not lost" a Coldplay reference.Life can be tough or damn brutal but what really matters is how you approach the situation, I can't stretch that fact enough.I wanted to be honest with those that take time out of there day to view my semi public life.Music is my haven well heavenly haven to be more straight forward.To those that haven't been where I have been should know that you need to appreciate what you have.Such as a bed of your own,freedom to exit as you please,etc. *thinks maybe I should have let my friend see my blog*Let life come to you,chasing it wastes valuable time.So where do I go from here? is the question that I ask myself when ever I wake up but at night I ask the stars for tomorrow.I am one of those people that believes that the stars are replicas of those that we have lost in the past.So look up every now and then and hopefully you see what i see.I adore the mountains in my town as well as the lights downtown I'm attracted to pretty lights and someone that you guys know about.Life is Love and Love is Life, simple but true.Appreciate life and yourself and people will appreciate you.I'm being a professor again but I truly hope that you take what I've said to heart it means alot to me as a writer and your unknown friend.....signed Nov Nov
^ Coming down
And thats how it ends, well for now at least.....