On my leave of absence - which is to be defined as a deep session of meditation, has helped me so much.A mind of clarity enters the airwaves.Having one person in your corner is enough to maintain a decent life. The person that said 'there is strength in numbers' is an idiot in these strange eyes of mine.The journey of being in a shelter for two months has been beyond difficult - but where there is dark there is also light.Much has been done, but I acknowledge that there is much to accomplish before my peak has been reached.Trying to rush the process backfired multiple times when this journey was taken previously.Is it possible to be free in certain aspects but not entirely free? (Not my typical contradicting question)"Patience is the key." A phrase that must be repeated.'Autumn is actually from Japan' says Kyoto Osaka, but she writes in plain English, just a simple truth...What if it is 'she' that wrote this for you all?Escape to my dreamland to see whomever comes to mind or even the next time.Finally at peace with the world, hoping that you are at peace with the world, if that makes any kind of sense.This is a delicate dedication to Caren - who has been pushing me to not give up on myself and to move forward.I am appreciative to have someone that cares for me and tries to protect me from harm. You have done more than enough to save me from myself, so to speak.Ask the stars and you shall receive what is rightfully yours.Let life influence you, and others can lead you astray from where you deserve to be. The desire to change isn't enough, but the need is.Expect more from me soon...signed, Autumn.
See ya later

Define beauty with a simple sketch...
Heavenly Haven