The term "Free" has various interpretations: from doing as you please whenever you please; or being in the one place that bring about happiness and pleasure.Mother Nature is the mother of my entire literary youth.Kyoto Osaka is two parts of Japan.When you find yourself drifting to that place in your mind you will know how it feels to be the true definition of free. But who am I to give definition away?Just a guy who believes in the people themselves rather than the idea of the existence of people.The wish to find your place in the world is the purpose of being here on planet Earth; but there is a difference between being here and just being? Can someone who is semi-lost lead a crowd in an effective fashion?The primary goals of mine are within reach with the help of my special someone, so much progress has been made, yet freedom seems so far away at the same time.Tokimonsta is THE producer....Recommendation from November Novelist: Check out the Jean Michel documentary, you will learn so much from it.Photography has been a grand way to relieve the stress occupying the France Scene but it hasn't knocked me down any amount of pegs. *The Legend of Zelda on the Brain* Freedom isn't defined by vast spaces, but where it is that you are determined to go in The Universe Soul Climax.....Signed Kyoto Osaka

See Ya Later, I love you guys
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