In the previous entries under this same title, I so bravely spoke on the concept which is my virginity. But not every detail was given - as it should have been delivered directly. The question if waiting for marriage is the reason, or if being uninterested in the matter has occurred - but in actuality waiting for the right person is the absolute reasoning, which is fairly surprising in this day and age. The thought of that moment makes the one that seems so confident in all these posts nervous. The question is, how often is that in the Outerspace Estate that is named November's Mind? Love and affection is what everyone - including myself - requires from family, friends, and significant others - but some of us don't get that right away so waiting and taking action comes into play. "All We Need Is Love". Back to the subject. When this concept becomes a topic it seems to be a bad thing, like "That person you are waiting on doesn't exist..." but Caren clearly exists beyond typical imaginary polygamy that has been spread like wild fire throughout earlier blog entries. Time can be wasted when imagining things but, "Imagination isn't made for your common sense." (Contrary to what society spews.) The right person does exist - you just have to be patient and don't whine about it because when you acquire it you probably will have to pinch yourself to find whether or not you are awake. Maybe that was cliche, maybe the 'Sex & The City' binge affected my thought process, or maybe I actually make some kind of sense....This quote that is somewhere on this blog comes to mind, "Maybe I'll get to use these romantic tactics of mine one day." The right kind of love can bring out the better - even in the worst of people, so no one, I mean NO ONE is a lost cause. There is a difference between love making and sex, words from the uncommon twenty year old. Love hath no boundary so don't give it one - it only limits your options in which we are all born with before given the room to decide. Caren J Brunson is the ONE decision made theory, and via blogspot. Outwardly speaking takes bravery that is within the meek, insecure, and the awkward... Happy Valentines Day is an understatement so spread love everyday... Whether it being donating to a local shelter/organization or praying for those in need of it most. There is always someone in need, always. I've been there not too long ago. There are different types of caring and love - decide which is most important to you and act on it with the best of your ability. Afterwards, as it falls into place, just give it time and space...

Happy Valentines Day

Caren, I miss you more than my words can say....

I really do...
See Ya Later Guys