Life is so much more enjoyable when you don't take it as seriously as the average businessman.Overthinking and attempting to decipher every minor detail is quite the chore after years and years of doing so.What is being spoken of has been instilled in the mind of a busy literary successor who dreams of making the world a better place for those that have suffered in various ways."Love Saves."Thieves Like Us reference.Embrace those that love you for love hath no boundaries--only to those with boundaries within their own minds..."Essays written by various keys" Yoshimi is actually Caren in the eyes of this modern blogger (so says the archive). Outerspace estate and France scene. True art and love are the purest components of the world when there is so much corruption surrounding the people that either don't want it or don't desire it to begin with. Many fall into both categories which can kill inner peace from the depths of the innocent heart we are all born with. The heart of an infant is delicate but delicate enough to love without a second thought. So, shall we not think ? Or think with proper causation? From my perspective, trust is the proper causation but it should be gained from the start of any friendship or relationship... Dearest Yoshimi (who encourages the keys to be hit regularly without schedule or denial). Simplistically saying as humans we desire encouragement from those around us even though we can give it to ourselves. The encouragement from others seems bigger than our own because keeping yourself afloat is tough. The concept of strength being in numbers is complete bullshit. If you surround yourself with positive people and influences, it will make your world the way you most desire. You'll enjoy it much more. The number of people doesn't matter--IF there is love around you.... Take life by the the horns--but don't take it so seriously so as to miss out on the best parts of your life. You only live once.. I love you guys! See you soon !!! Signed, Kyoto Osaka/NovNov
November Novelist

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Love Like A Sunset Pt. 2 (Yoshimi)
Life is so much more enjoyable when you don't take it as seriously as the average businessman.Overthinking and attempting to decipher every minor detail is quite the chore after years and years of doing so.What is being spoken of has been instilled in the mind of a busy literary successor who dreams of making the world a better place for those that have suffered in various ways."Love Saves."Thieves Like Us reference.Embrace those that love you for love hath no boundaries--only to those with boundaries within their own minds..."Essays written by various keys" Yoshimi is actually Caren in the eyes of this modern blogger (so says the archive). Outerspace estate and France scene. True art and love are the purest components of the world when there is so much corruption surrounding the people that either don't want it or don't desire it to begin with. Many fall into both categories which can kill inner peace from the depths of the innocent heart we are all born with. The heart of an infant is delicate but delicate enough to love without a second thought. So, shall we not think ? Or think with proper causation? From my perspective, trust is the proper causation but it should be gained from the start of any friendship or relationship... Dearest Yoshimi (who encourages the keys to be hit regularly without schedule or denial). Simplistically saying as humans we desire encouragement from those around us even though we can give it to ourselves. The encouragement from others seems bigger than our own because keeping yourself afloat is tough. The concept of strength being in numbers is complete bullshit. If you surround yourself with positive people and influences, it will make your world the way you most desire. You'll enjoy it much more. The number of people doesn't matter--IF there is love around you.... Take life by the the horns--but don't take it so seriously so as to miss out on the best parts of your life. You only live once.. I love you guys! See you soon !!! Signed, Kyoto Osaka/NovNov