Defining the term "youth culture" is rather tough without being vague or to generalize about the topic.Youth culture involves music styles, clothing, and artistic morals. But where does Japan come into play? Well, the reason behind the legacy of Kyoto Osaka is based off the simplicity that is light."Let your light shine, and it gives others' permission to do the same."According to the generation that birthed us, we are 'lost in ourselves' so to speak, but does the lack of focus determine whether a person knows where he or she is?Passing judgement on the future through current airwaves.I am one to believe that life isn't as serious as many make it to be, though it isn't all fun and games as well. So the key is finding a balance.When in the light you can't help but remember what it was like in the dark. Japan is one of the many pleasures of life that shows that the world is beautiful beyond any given measurement.Youth culture can be eloquent when light is present.Even the dark brings about light - the night sky is living proof.Mother Nature is mysterious, yet such gorgeous movement need no solution.This generation isn't exactly lost, rather misguided, facing backward with knowledge of where to go."Kyoto Osaka Explores the Streets Of Yokohama."The dream of November Novelist is to inspire and heal broken minds and hearts. To say that these gifts were meant for fame is insulting.Saving lives is the primary mission, it always has been.Is this thought process strange?Does hiding when given the wrong kind of attention equal the definition of fear?I'd rather you not know who I am, than to be surrounded.November breathes words and paints beauty so that no one will forget them. So never forget what I've shown you, because a space in your memory is what makes me continue on with these dreams that have my government name on them...Japan is Life, due to Light being Life.