November Novelist

November Novelist

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Casper; Not Such a Friendly "GHOST"

Firstly, I must identify myself.  This is not my/our beloved "November Novelist".  Rather, this is "Yoshimi Haiku" (aka: Caren).

I feel compelled to attempt here to reach out to NovNov (aka: "B"), because he is "missing".  Well, tbh, not 'missing'-- but 'out of reach.'....

(Short back story): 
He and I met 9 years ago, in a very random way (at least at the time), on FB.  Fell in love, and he moved from St. Louis, to Utah, then here to Sonoma County (in California) to be with me.
Blah, blah, blah, we were incredibly happy and content until approximately 2 years ago.  I'm not comfortable divulging the details as to what changed; let's just say, "medical" reasons, and leave it at that---for now.

Well, he up and left me-- and beautiful California --this past (mid) December.
I've spoken to him ONCE since the day he left.  We have cats, kids, details, possessions, in common.. You know how 'entwined' two lives can get after 9 years?? 
FF to today.  He won't talk to me.  At all....
Ya'll must know how bad that feels; to be IGNORED, (especially for a GEMINI gal!)
My hope is that he'll check out his BLOGGER account someday soon, and see this.

BB, I miss you more than words can say.
I fucked up.
I'm falling on my sword.
I think "we" are worth fighting for...


thanks for listening....✌🏼♥️💜💛💚💙

Monday, October 23, 2017

How Many Leaders Gon' Tell You The Truth After Me?

As an individual that miraculously envisioned the foreign concept of self care and contentment as someone whom take tragedy personally whether a solution is available or not.The confinement of personal dialogue suffocates amongst several topics that may not see the light of DAY.Silence caused the once consistent artistic mind to become stagnant.The question remains "How does an semi retired author become confident when jotting essays about what no one really wants to hear???"Publishing pain in the shabbiest of art gallery personifies vulnerability both educational and utterly terrifying.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Art of Inclusive Activism Outshines Blatant Selfish Progress (Obama Was NOT Meant To Be Our Savior)

A worthy testimony to many of the African American Community who ignorantly say that Obama didn't do anything specifically for Black people.Something that he did surpasses that of which reparations can spawn and that is HOPE.That young black men and women do have the three options that cage us mentally.The sale drugs,be a Rapper/Entertainer, or an athlete in order to achieve success.This is something that many children struggle with due to living in capitalist country.Truth be told Kendrick Lamar is beyond correct when he said that we owe Obama and the First Family so much.And though I cringe while beginning to perform typist acrobatics but in order to begin mastering whatever passion you live for money is a major component to conquering the established cycle of always desiring it sometimes even above Art herself.Black youth are in need of a leader who is willing paint multiple images of success to debunk the lies the our minds and the media force feeds us daily.We as people whom creates a vast amount of America's culture have been slighted but instead of waiting for closure or confirmation.The next step is to build for ourselves and truly support our neighbors endeavors.Why give our hard earned money to celebrities when each of us know someone who is struggling to get his or her business off the ground.Why spend hundreds of dollars on shit with someone else's name on it.Create your own spell your name in BOLD print because YOU are valuable regardless of what history and negative stereotypes say.

The definitive symbolism of my absence is tethered to the thought of progression- then regression- with age, and the underlying truth of the subject matter.Which pains the thoughts once published here.A majority of the time, blog entries are written in the form of graffiti, or connected to what at one time, personified the consistency of optimism.A simplified analogy would be equivalent to feeding the beast whom contradicts the essence of true activism whether being categorized as a personal experience.Or an overwhelming aura mirroring the optimism which coddled November's artistic values and moral codes for the past few years.Absence often speaks of unpublished regret of the effort that was put forth when the mitochondria decided to drift away from the nucleus of ART.Many of the problems that trouble many of the American people on the daily whether we're elaborating on systematic racism that plaques the innovative ,sexism when it comes to the daughters of Mother Nature, or homophobic /trans-phobic behavior is passed down by parental guardians whom don't know the purity of true LOVE.If every form of activism was inclusive toward those no matter what his or her background may be.Whether hood' or the suburbs but most of all regardless if you understand or have face this particular issue before or NOT.Activism ISN'T shit if you doesn't include everyone in fact that's just plain ol' selfishness is the name of something that's meant to save our world.The media has used both scapegoating and or divide and conquer tactics to distract us from what's the divine truth or divine intervention whichever comes first.Truth be told inspiration surrounds us in form of unseen particles but does one forcefully seek inspiration or stumble upon after reaching a certain stage in life?A journey isn't absolutely necessary to locate yourself or the path you choose.Finding comfort within the hall of your own mind can pinpoint the negativity that weighs use down and blocks US from assisting others whom need us way more. The human body can be deemed a vast canvas or an esteemed body of water equivalent to an ocean transporting the characteristics of profound depth and a wave of familiarity.A pond symbolize the beginning of stages which identities and welcoming those who began in the same fashion.Personification within The Archives can share the meaning of Mother Nature speaking with a singular breath commonly know as the wind.*thinks about free lance essays written in fresh blue ink*Artistic visions of various journalistic concerts and the publisher will nervously smile with a sunflower perfectly in hand via ye old flower bed.Literature and poetry aren't just equivalent to creativity but to love that still is or once was.Treasure memories both new and old.Thoughts of the life of a "Flower Child" enter the airwaves beyond a layer of harmonizing sounds.An old soul in a modern world with thought process of a space cadet.Share your new vintage ideas despite how technologically advanced the world has become.Emulate the voice of reasoning that gently lays vocals upon the instrumental.Perfect shading and character design from the souls of your feet toward free minded cloud brethren.Reminisce of the inspirational growth within while nurturing the seedlings new life.Though a key part of defining the reasoning behind this particular hiatus desiring to present positivism to a world deemed overwhelmingly negative to where The Archives are indeed flooded with them.And the other part of which was spoken of is regret of the amount of effort that was put forth when the mitochondria decided to drift away from the nuclei when difficulty arises (Every singular being is equivalent to a nuclei.)Various problems that trouble many of us daily whether we're speaking of racism,sexism.homophobia,trans phobia,etc could be if every form of activism was inclusive toward everyone no matter what he or her background may be.Whether hood' or the suburbs but most of all regardless if you understand or have face this particular issue before or NOT.Activism ISN'T shit if you doesn't include everyone in fact that's just plain ol' selfishness is the name of something that's meant to save our world.The media has used both scapegoating and or divide and conquer tactics to distract us from what's the divine truth or divine intervention whichever comes first... 

But most importantly....

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Functionality of Social Media Activism (True Wisdom Is Seeing Through Appearances)

"Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates an impression by remaining silent."

There is a sense of nervousness  that appears when this author before you cannot publish anything until a sense of clarity ever so slightly paints with the embodiment of something as simple as water colors broadly personified as impressionism.The question that most often ricochets within the halls of the Archives is "if the requirement of a positive state of mind is what hinders the consistency of what is published for the public eye?"Negativity and positivism are the essence of what may potentially create the balance the Mother Earth.The desire emulate Zen clouds the modern visionaries of human attributes when attempting to perfect the art of tranquility without absorbing the negative as well Though with combine talents of Mother Nature's children the ability to cure the world of all that ails HER.These many things instills trauma within the hearts and minds of each and every one whether racism or abuse,ghetto or suburban life,etc but the divine question remains...Why does this form of truth bring us together as people when share the color blood regardless of whom or where we may be?In college my Cornerstone teacher verbalized the we have developed somewhat of can be called "survivalist tactics" when it comes to assisting one another out of fear or just plain caring what happenings to your fellow man or woman.Which is both eye opening and unsettling as any mind no matter the capacity can handle.Assuming that all of you acquire this knowledge how did you feel when suddenly finding this out for yourself?As time go even further on,as new generations are born,as old mentalities fade out the more divided we become as people.All the silence truly is multitudes worse than the all the violence that we have become more immune to the sight of it.Inserting that generic response "Damn that's fucked up" whilst watching CNN upon your sofa or beds.In which they are a part of the problem as well anyone can sit on television and recite the problems but how about doing some heavy lifting that would do wonders for the people a.k.a. your fateful viewers?(A topic to be saved for a later day *mentally sips coffee*)Though we all need to tap into our inner vigilante mind states the need for a leader is what holds us back along with the concept of a small flame in a world that needs more than the Sun.With all the social media platforms in front of us their is absolutely no reason to remain silent anymore...Is their???signed November Novelist/Zen Mode Nova


It definitely is....

R.I.P. Michael Brown
We grew up in the same town and somehow I knew you spiritually...

And a particular burst of colour appears
See ya later....

Monday, March 17, 2014

Universe Soul Balance And The Circumference of Equality (Socratic Acrobatics)

As an observant activist whom seeks balance amongst his fellow man the desire of completing life's task of leaving this world slightly or tremendously better than a visionary's spring birth appearing before an audience as a novelist.Frequently both know and acknowledging this form floods the Archives which creates negative thinking followed by hiatus.Yet in recent discovery the true definition of balance can be defined as equality or essence of Ying & Yang.November's positivism created a fog that forgot that negativity is also essential toward locating one's center.Be both the lighthouse and fog throughout your life despite how difficult transitioning may become in the near or distant future.Both comfort and clarity displays HER divine features randomly but the appreciation is well deserved.To the reader's whom may lay eyes on become the truth as well as the light the Mother Nature manages to publish each slightly chilled morning.Also the beauty that is commonly known as the starlit sky or the lit candles of our Ancestors modernly recognized as "Stars."As lost as every individuals who hopes to reach divine happiness before touching the urn though we all chase this feeling don't forget what it feels like when halting in admiration of the beauty of success or struggle.As this author lives solely on the substance of love,coffee, and visions of flowers in hope that these novelist footprints are placed within concrete instead of sand only to be washed away by a new wave."I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night..." signed Mister Good Soul/November Novelist

"Writing isn't generally a lucrative source of income; only a few, exceptional writers reach the income levels associated with the best-sellers. Rather, most of us write because we can make a modest living, or even supplement our day jobs, doing something about which we feel passionately. Even at the worst of times, when nothing goes right, when the prose is clumsy and the ideas feel stale, at least we're doing something that we genuinely love. There's no other reason to work this hard, except that love." - Melissa Scott

This quote reminded the doubtful version of me that purpose isn't easy to grasp throughout one's entire life but that is what makes it wondrous and eloquent when clutched tightly...

November Novelist is Nova...*lighthearted chuckle*

See Ya Later <3

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Warmth of Saki Evenings (Minor Distractions Via Minor Details)

"Books aren't written, they're rewritten. Including your own. It is one of the hardest things to accept, especially after the seventh rewrite hasn't quite done it..." - Michael Crichton


 "It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition." - Isaac Asimov

  "Writing isn't generally a lucrative source of income; only a few, exceptional writers reach the income levels associated with the best-sellers. Rather, most of us write because we can make a modest living, or even supplement our day jobs, doing something about which we feel passionately. Even at the worst of times, when nothing goes right, when the prose is clumsy and the ideas feel stale, at least we're doing something that we genuinely love. There's no other reason to work this hard, except that love." - Melissa Scott


...... <3

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fast Forwarding Tranquility (Mother Nature's Timeless Understanding)

Nature fatefully grasps the right hand of Tranquility whom calmly crafts several journal entries of these being with profound personification equivalent to identical twins.The creative process by the ever so naked eye can portrayed as a journey containing various shifts in climate which brings us toward the beginning "Nature." *chuckles and sips coffee*The artistic process of November requires tranquility creating the "Domino Effect" in an awkward sense now being fully comprehended by the sensual voice of Italic font.Which registers the humbling question "Does the amount of published artistry effect the purity of instilled inspirational aura waves?"Youthful voyages are relevant to us all regardless which generation we occupy momentarily being that growth is consistent part of what we as people proudly strive for.During a psychology lecture the theory of how personality traits are considered that of permanency by the age of five whilst in shades of reality a highlight reel of finger painting with only primary colours transitions to revolutionary brushstrokes of impressionism.Does it actually surprise anyone that a local college student by the name of Mister Good Soul rebelled by not purchasing a book and acing the course just for kicks?The human mind is as vast as the valid owner allows this precious gift to be.Transitioning is a blessing in disguise we take lightly.Their will forever be new chapter whether or not it is critically acclaimed successful or not.Dedicate time to finding yourself the probability that you may not have found all the existing treasure is higher than any given ratio...Signed November Novelist <3

To Be Continued...