November Novelist

November Novelist

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Typography & Abstract Aesthetics Pt.2 (All Representation Of A Thing Are Inherently Abstract)

"Typography is the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual form."

From the perspective of  a being whom collectively believes that the purest of art forms actually hasn't a single price tag attached but visions of past inspiration."I don't feel like I need to preach to the world or nothing like that. I just feel like I share what I say, and if listeners get it, they get it. And I never underestimate the audience's ability to feel me."Momentarily filling in the blanks with Aero Pastels whilst heading foward upon Life's voyage.Though life as a motivational speaker is deemed both delicate and beautiful regardless of minor episode of daily stress.When designated within hiatus various dream sequences sparked the begginning of Light's quest of Healing.Descriptive instead of vague cryptic vocalizing.Drifts into a stage of ownership connected to surburban living.Praying toward comprehension which states "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life."Oscar Wilde.Poetic ideal ideas composed of Nature's surrounding elements.Health is a matter of mind meaning pursuing life's next chapter whether simplistic or difficult."Sometimes later becomes later" words of a procrastinator yet equipped with the willing spirit of Tommorrow's children.*sketches the Mother of all instruments.The cure for anything drifts gently across the field due to Mother Nature's fresh breath.Once our hearts awaken both dreams and ambitions
may soon bring about good fortune.Passion is essential amongst art forms and loved ones.Handwritten letters     in the form of calligraphy anticipating maturity's quest for certainty...Look into your soul and be brave for love signed November Novelist <3

Abstract Sketches & Typography Pt. 1 (Script With Impact)

 "I hope to refine music, study it, try to find some area that I can unlock. I don't quite know how to explain it but it's there. These can't be the only notes in the world, there's got to be other notes some place, in some dimension, between the cracks on the piano keys."Marvin Gaye

"Artists need some kind of stimulating experience a lot of times,which crystallizes when you sing about it or paint it or sculpt it.You literally mold the expierence the way you want.It's therapy" Erykah Badu

"It's a pity that if someone who has a really profoundly potent art to share chooses not to or doesn't fit into this very thin slice of what's desirable and marketable, chances are the public will never get a chance to hear what they're doing.."Esperanza Spalding

A Local Hippie Blogger Befriends Doctor Merlin & Jazzy McCoy (A Peaceful Plateau)

As an individual that promotes peace and  positive art sometimes the mandatory desire of being centered can deprive  November of the consistence needed.The expression of negativity is something that causes the engine of life to stall without warning.The vocalist within verbalizes what tommorrow's newborn may hold.Literature and the organized sounds commonly known as music seems to reside in Mother Nature's breezes."I wanna write a line that's in your head all day and songs that make you say I never felt that way..."Promotional value has the ability of the sun but the moon speaks during the most silent of nights.As this particular artist prays sets of everlasting memories within the minds and hearts of those that aim toward healing Mother Nature's surface.Off topic statement; A collection of comic books and records settles upon Novembers wooden desk.The dream of sketching Jean Michel Baquiat gently penetrates Destiny's self created sessions of percussion and romance.Freedom of expression requires  nurturing which eventually transforms into the blossoming confidence instilled within us since birth.Piano dream sequences and the comprehension of delicate sheet music acts as inspiration of which may inspire whatever artistic spirit attached itself inward and outward.Poetic lectures may soon become categorized as published.Love though unseen by the innocently naked eye searched and motivates those born with an abundance of character.Someone once said "An artist must remain consistent in order to steadily become someone who is deemed as memorable yet does consistent result in a quality message.One day November Novelist may grace planet Earth's pupils with collections of creativity during sessions 
of premeditated meditation.Hope crafts various new entrances which desperately craves exploration.Yoshimi soon designed graphs of essentials."When nothing goes right,go left"The local hippie persona actually designed an individual whose lifelong desire is defined as the calming waves of tropical rivers.Within the memory card of Jazzy resides smooth strokes of genuine structures and the essence similar to Mother Nature's only daughter.Magically Merlin lead our student body toward positive destinations of which deserve light footstep.Upon still standing still mimicking pages and pages of photographs.Paint murals whilst studying the narrator and role model being recognized as the identical twin of whomever writes as well as publishes creative journals.A pure hearted child of the arts knows not of segregation but unity's perfume,so sleep gracefully blossoming children of the light tomorrow's sun is scheduled many new remedies both known and undiscovered.As November reminisces upon the past's brilliant set course...And to leave the professor's students with a warm quote "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes" signed November Novelist/A Peaceful Plateau


"There’s a story that you’re trying to tell. and what I like to do in my band is challenge myself to improvise both. So sometimes I start a song with a concept like a verse. I like to remind myself it’s an essay and in the first part you tell em’ the essence of what you’re gonna tell em’. I like to make up poetry on the spot and really get into the poetry of the song. Like, how can I set up what’s at stake in this story? I try to blend the story with the harmonic lines that I’m setting up on the bass. I get into the zone of what’s coming up in the song. I think, how can I prep it and set it up before I go into the whole story? That’s fun and challenging; super stimulating, stimulating all the parts of the brain. What you’re saying is stay in the moment, don’t tell everything, but prep what’s coming.” Esperanza Spalding

"Dreamer speaketh in his or her own native tongue..." by A Peaceful Plateau

See ya later <3
