November Novelist

November Novelist

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fast Forwarding Tranquility (Mother Nature's Timeless Understanding)

Nature fatefully grasps the right hand of Tranquility whom calmly crafts several journal entries of these being with profound personification equivalent to identical twins.The creative process by the ever so naked eye can portrayed as a journey containing various shifts in climate which brings us toward the beginning "Nature." *chuckles and sips coffee*The artistic process of November requires tranquility creating the "Domino Effect" in an awkward sense now being fully comprehended by the sensual voice of Italic font.Which registers the humbling question "Does the amount of published artistry effect the purity of instilled inspirational aura waves?"Youthful voyages are relevant to us all regardless which generation we occupy momentarily being that growth is consistent part of what we as people proudly strive for.During a psychology lecture the theory of how personality traits are considered that of permanency by the age of five whilst in shades of reality a highlight reel of finger painting with only primary colours transitions to revolutionary brushstrokes of impressionism.Does it actually surprise anyone that a local college student by the name of Mister Good Soul rebelled by not purchasing a book and acing the course just for kicks?The human mind is as vast as the valid owner allows this precious gift to be.Transitioning is a blessing in disguise we take lightly.Their will forever be new chapter whether or not it is critically acclaimed successful or not.Dedicate time to finding yourself the probability that you may not have found all the existing treasure is higher than any given ratio...Signed November Novelist <3

To Be Continued...