November Novelist

November Novelist

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mild Coffee Break (The Cat Returns Pt. 2)


     Somewhat of a refurbished font of a laptop keyboard that somehow acquires the ability to craft organized sound and colours.  The Utopia that circulates through "the Archives", with Nujabes, DJ Okawari, and Uyama Hirito as companions.  Somehow, the term "companion" makes me think of "Doctor Who"-- which makes me think of YOU.
     While on somewhat of a destined hiatus, the human mind has the skill set enabled to drift to both light... and memories of the dark.  Yet, somehow, the consistent dreams of Japan Lights (with Yoshimi nearby) brings about a mellow sense of peace.  By the way, did November elaborate on the existence of Yan Yan and Pocky in a dresser drawer? <<*sips coffee and smiles*>>
     I sometimes wonder if the readers would converse with me about their dreams and visions?  Your dreams mean the world to a semi-local dreamer that does Power Point Presentations in an orderly fashion...
     A walk down the street is a journey; so we as people, journey "on the regular."
     In the words of an aura reader, "The lights and colours are madly distracting at times."  Maybe the life of a Jazzy Cosmonaut, Space Cadet, or Cloud Dweller...
     As of recently, only instrumentals breathe though these headphones.  Following a confession:  Around this time every year, it's common for me to drift in and out of seasonal depression; but there are many people around when I need it the most,  especially Yoshimi.
     A note to all artists: be they literary; musical; etc.... Remember to speak freely, speak the truth, and speak out.  Be a foolish dream chaser instead of what the school system programs you to be (via deep conversations between Haiku and Rin.)  Knowledge is power, and with great power comes responsibility.  Be the hero that you see in comic books and Marvel films but on a larger scale.  Write down the dream that you have on repeat--and plaster it all over your room.
     A "Mild Coffee Break" (for now) but equipped with several other posts throughout the rest of the day. <<*blinks and there goes Japan*>>


Doctor Merlin and Winry

"Shine bright--like children do..."


^ well for just for a short second...